25% off for Fairtrade Fortnight
Why choose Fairtrade?
Right now, millions of hardworking farmers in developing countries aren’t paid enough to support their families. Yet every day, they provide food we eat and products we depend on.
Their children often go hungry and can’t go to school. Some are forced to work. They have no choice.
Communities are trapped in poverty, unable to pay for wells and water pumps. They drink dirty water and can’t afford to visit the doctor when they become sick.
About 795 million people are undernourished globally (FAO, IFAD and WFP, 2015); Half of the world’s hungriest people are smallholder farmers themselves (Powering Up Smallholder Farmers to make food fair, Fairtrade Foundation Report 2013)
Lack of food security is one of the world’s most critical issues. It's so important that we in the UK help drive a real change for the farming communities who need it most.
Fairtrade means many producers and workers are able to do what we take for granted – put enough food on the table for themselves and the people they care about, all year round. We have been campaigning for Fairtrade for 2 years and have learnt what a difference it makes for the world’s most vulnerable communities by making farming viable and generating vital economic benefits.
By choosing Fairtrade products, we’re saying that no one deserves to be short-changed for a hard day’s work. And that it’s wrong to benefit from farmers being paid unfairly.
We have the power to make that choice.
Fairtrade works with 1.5 million farmers and workers in parts of Africa, Asia and Latin and Central America enabling them to earn a sustainable income and the Fairtrade Premium that they can invest in community, business and environmental projects.
Adam Gardner, Communities Campaigns Manager for the Fairtrade Foundation said: “Farming is the backbone of the world. It’s simply wrong that whilst farmers work hard to produce what we eat so many of them should go hungry themselves.
“Shoppers in the UK can change this by making choices that help ensure food security for farming communities in developing countries; be it buying Fairtrade or campaigning against trade policies that can disadvantage farmers.
Fairtrade Fortnight is an annual campaign aiming to get shoppers, campaigners and businesses in the UK talking, thinking about and buying Fairtrade.
We aim to be 100% Fairtrade throughout our supply chain. By purchasing from us you are supporting Fairtrade farmers and artisans. If you would like to find out more about Fairtrade or would like to get involved click here. Offer valid until 12/03/17.